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One last thing to remember is that as your pet gets older he/she will also grow and things that he/she could not get to before depending on the breed of your dog they will be able to get into now. This is also a good time to make sure that you put up all of your gardening tools such as rakes, hoses and any chemicals that may be outside.A good way to make sure that your new puppy does not chew things he/she shouldn't is to make sure that you have plenty of puppy toys on hand. One of these plants is very popular at Christmas time and it is the Poinsettia so be extra cautious when you bring new plants into your home or garden. This level will give you a great perception as tn requin to what is hanging down such as lamp cords and power strips. If you have a fenced in yard you need to walk the perimeter and make sure that there are no holes or breaches in the fence where your new puppy can escape from. Now we can start scanning for items that are out in the open. Also look for things under desks and beds that a puppy can chew on such as bags, shoes, clothes, drapes, etc.The step above is a great way to check for things that are not quite out in the open. You need to make sure that all of your chemicals are put into a cabinet that your new puppy can not get into this includes fertilizer, rat poison, antifreeze, etc.Now you need to check your plants in 925 silver and around your house. So every now and then you should recheck your home for new hazards. Your local pet store can help you chose what you need to get started with. One thing you will come to realize is that dogs are very curious creatures and will get into things that they should not be into. The next step is to check your household chemicals and cabinets. If you live around a lake, pond or have a swimming pool be very cautious that your puppy does not fall in and drown. Just as important as baby proofing your home you need to consider making some changes when you bring a new puppy home especially if you have never had a dog before. Most people do not realize, but there are several plants that are actually poisonous to dogs and cats. The easiest way to combat this is to take some steps before you even bring a puppy or dog into your house or apartment.I know this sounds silly, but the first step you should take is to get on your hands and knees and go around your house into every room. You should check with your veterinarian or contact The National Poison Control Center for more information on poisonous plants for your pets.After you are done checking the inside of your house for hazards you now need to go outside and check around your house and yard for hazards. Now you can bring your new puppy home to a safe environment.If you would like to learn more about your dog or cats health and well being visit: []. Boutique Reqins Cartoon Chaussures noire Collection hommeSoldes Chaussures Sport Mode tn requin cartoon pour homme